growth impact. accelerated.

with Shannon

Shannon is a Trainer and Coach who partners with CS leaders and professionals to reach their own highest potential in their careers; ultimately creating an exceptional customer experience. Shannon guides others using her understanding of human potential and industry best practices — empowering them to tap into their greatest strengths to create fulfillment and success. She’s a certified Solution-focused Coach with training in Nonviolent Communication. Shannon also has a talent for guiding others to learn new skills, quickly adopt technology, and streamline processes efficiently with ease.
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Areas of Expertise include:

Transitioning Into Tech

Customer Education & Enablement

Interview Preparation

Strategic Project Planning

Executive Presence

Leadership Development

Benefits of Coaching With Us

Personalized & Customized

We tailor each session to met your provided objectives and goals as partners on your growth. We act as a guided, strategic hand along the way with our experience and resume by your side. Each session should strive for 1-3 areas of focus or review, or 1 key activity or topic to cover together throughout sessions purchased.

A Private Partnership,
Not Public

These sessions are private interactions between you and your coach. Recordings will only be provided by request and available for replay through your Course Player for up to 3 months. We offer a place to be vulnerable, ask questions, and freedom to fail, in the safety of your session with judgement. 

Growth &
Progress is Up to You

Whether you want to boost your career within the company you are working for or grow at your own pace as you transition into a new career, we are here to help you grow each step of the way feel you are progressing in yoru growth.